WEAAD is recognized annually on June 15 as an official United Nations International Day acknowledging the significance of elder abuse as a public health and human rights issue.
Please join the Elder Abuse Response and Prevention Network for the Annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day Event.
Date: Friday, June 15th
Time: 10:00 – 11:30 am
Location: Harrowood Retirement Home
1 Pollard Drive, Harrow, ON
Event: Seeds for Change Tree Dedication Ceremony
Intergenerational Activities
St. Anthony Grade 3 students
Harrowood Retirement Home residents
Tom Bain, Warden Essex County Council
Mehnaz Rafat, Family Services Windsor-Essex – Program Coordinator
Emcee: Mike O’Connor, FSWE – Elder Abuse Response Worker
Join us afterwards for refreshments and snacks. Click here for more information.
Family Services Windsor-Essex, as the lead agency for Elder Abuse Response Program in Windsor-Essex County is hosting this event to help raise awareness about Elder Abuse: definition, causes, prevention, prevalence, recognition, reporting and getting help. Click here for more info on our program.
Elder abuse is a single or repeated act, or lack of action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person. Most common form of elder abuse reported is psychological, followed by financial abuse, neglect, physical abuse and sexual abuse.
Elder abuse is a hidden problem and it is estimated that 1 in 6 older adults worldwide have been abused in the past year, and only 1 in 24 cases are reported. Older women are more likely than older men to be emotionally or financially abused by their family, friends or caregiver.
Join at this Seeds for Change event where we look to Grow the Conversation!
See it, Name it, Check it!
Event Day Pictures:

St. Anthony Grade 3 Class and Teacher Kate Marentette sharing why elders are important

Event speakers: Jennifer Miner (EMS VPN), Mike O’Connor (FSWE), Krista Hillier (EMS VPN) Mehnaz Rafat (FSWE) and Tom Bain (County Warden)

Local Elder Abuse Network: Mehnaz Rafat & Mike O’Connor (Family Services Windsor-Essex – Elder Abuse program), Janice Laforest & Michele Vigneux (Alzheimer Society), Suzanne Poirer (Life after 50), Barb Iacono (FSWE)

Harrowood Retirement Homes residents attending in the event: Connie Truan and Noreen Myers

WEAAD purple hearts created by the students

Multigenerational WEAAD event to raise awareness about Elder Abuse