Walk-in Wellness Group Sessions
The Walk-In Wellness Group Sessions are designed to help adults (18 yrs and older) manage their daily lives. Providing tools and techniques that people can learn, practice and implement to respond to daily challenges and deal with past and/or current issues.
Walk-in Counselling Clinic
Talk with a qualified counsellor without a scheduled appointment. We offer immediate access to counselling services throughout Windsor and Essex County through our Walk-In Counselling Clinic. Openings on a first-come first-serve basis.
Group Counselling
Our Group Counselling Programs use relevant and evidenced-based therapeutic formats to promote personal awareness and growth. Our group programs provide training to help you make substantial changes in your life towards your desired outcomes.
Support Services
Windsor-Essex Housing Connections
Windsor-Essex Housing Connections (WEHC) is a partnership of agencies who work together to help people find affordable, rental housing and end the cycle of homelessness.
Voluntary Trusteeship
Through our Voluntary Trusteeship and Financial Literacy Program, we can help people better manage their money, pay their bills on time and teach people basic money management.
Elder Abuse Response
Through our Elder Abuse Response Service, we help older adults deal with neglect, bullying and abuse.
Adult Protective Service Worker
Through our Adult Protective Service Worker (APSW) Program, we help adults with developmental disabilities living in the community to be independent, safe and secure. Staff help adults in accessing community services and supports.
Other Programs

Community Mediation Windsor-Essex (CMWE)
Community Mediation Windsor-Essex is a free service that helps individuals and families to resolve conflicts or disagreements.
Income Tax Completion
We can complete and file Income Tax Returns for individuals and couples with simple tax returns and a modest income.