FSWE is offering a our virtual, 6 week therapeutic treatment group to help people gain new skills to learn how to effectively cope with depression.
Weekly topic areas include:
- Introduction to Depression
- Distinguishing Situations, Thoughts, and Moods
- Underlying and Core Beliefs
- Reinforcing Healthier Thinking and Behavioural Skills
- Problem Solving
- Mindfulness and Coping Skills
- And more…
Note: All groups are professionally facilitated and the cost is $20 per session/subsidies available for those who qualify.
The group is delivered virtually and offers attendees a supportive forum for growth and change. Each group session is 2 hours in length.
Facilitated by Keren Escobar, Clinical Social Worker
Begins July 28, 2021! Please contact our Customer Care Team at 519-966-5010 to get more information.
And if this program isn’t right for you – or if you’d like to view our other counselling programs – click here to learn more.