We want to build an Outdoor Classroom to ‘Inspire’ our clients
in their journey to wellness AND We Need Your Help
People come to our Langlois Community Hub to receive counselling, advocacy and support.
On a daily basis, we help people deal with a wide range of challenges.
Our goal is to help each person reach their potential as independent, active individuals in our community.
After accessing our services, people leave with a greater sense of their own abilities and have the confidence to move forward in their lives.
We believe that an attractive, outdoor, client-centred classroom will enhance that welcoming and
supportive feeling to encourage people to take that first step in moving forward with their lives..
Go to AVIVA Community Fund to register and vote today!
A dedicated green space will strengthen our wellness programming and group sessions, by providing classes within a beautiful natural, outdoor setting. The Aviva grant would help facilitate the development of this enhanced outdoor space to better serve people from our community. Inquiries, please email [email protected].
So please vote today. You get 10 free votes, so make them count towards our idea!